
We are digital Marketing agency

We deliver a multi-pronged marketing approach to maximize the growth of your business using tried and tested methods to ensure your success.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is important because it answers your audience's questions and helps you build trust, develop relationships, improve conversions, and generate leads. Content marketing allows you to be seen as an expert in your field, which builds trust with potential and current customers. When you provide valuable content that answers your audience's questions, you're more likely to develop relationships with them.


Search Engine Optimization, is the process of improving the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing the content and structure of a website, SEO experts can help to ensure that it ranks highly for relevant keywords, making it more likely to be seen by potential customers. However, by following best practices and keeping up with the latest trends, it is possible to get your website in front of the right customers using search engines.

Social Media Ads

Social media advertising is a powerful way to turn viewers into customers. By targeting potential customers on their favorite platforms, businesses can create ads that are relevant and engaging. Moreover, social media ads can be targeted to specific demographics, interests, and even locations, making this a useful tool for converting awareness into action.

Google Ads

Google Ads is the fastest way to rank on Google’s first page and capture potential customers. You can target your specific audience with Google Ads. Using Google Ads, you can reach your customers by targeting their location, demographics, interests, or even search terms.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most direct line of communication for conversion to sales. Plus, it is amazingly cost-effective. Email marketing allows you to send newsletters, special offers, and other information directly to customers' inboxes. This gives you the opportunity to keep your brand top-of-mind and conversion rates high.


We understand the importance of a cohesive brand. That's why we offer comprehensive digital workflow solutions for your events, from booth design to promotional swag. We'll work with you to ensure that your branding is consistent throughout your event, so you can focus on what's important - delivering a great experience for your attendees

we help to grow your business.

Many tools such as SEO, Paid Search management, Social Ads are used to maximize your brand visibilty and growth.

Through use of local advertising, SEO and other techniques we aim to boost business in your local area to be seen and recognized in your community.

Our Website Marketing Process

We use a battle-tested nine-step process to boost your website up the rankings. This enables you to take advantage of the 93% of traffic that comes from a search engine so you never miss a business opportunity.

We’ll support you to appease the ever-changing algorithms; Google alone makes on average between 500 and 600 updates every year, This will keep your website’s head above the water, keeping your position above your competitors with each algorithmic change.

Step 1
Audit & Objectives

We take time and care to look through your existing SEO strategy. We’ll tell you what is working well, and what could do with some polishing.

Step 2
Competitor Analysis

It doesn’t hurt to take a look at what everyone else is doing in your industry – and who is ranking for your desired keywords. Our SEO services use a variety of intelligence tools to delve into the strategy of your competitors to gain some insight into what they’re doing. This includes a full audit of their activity which will take into consideration keyword optimisations, rankings, SERPs and backlinks – and how you can eat into their audience share.

Step 3
Identify Personas

Working alongside you, we pinpoint your perfect audience and create detailed customer journeys. These cater to the needs and requirements of your audience, helping them to convert and build lasting bonds with your business. 

Step 4
Keyword Selection

Finding the right keywords to attract the right audience to your website requires research and patience. We look for terms that attract the right people with high user intent. Our approach as an SEO agency is to utilise semantics and perform an exhaustive analysis of all combinations that deliver the highest returns with the least competition.

Step 5
SEO Strategy

Using our research, we then pull together all the essentials and draft up a strategy that has the success of your business and the needs of your audience laid out. We will guide you through the strategy and work with you to adapt if/when the need arises.

Step 6
On-site Optimisation

On-site optimisation primes your site for search algorithms and users. We optimise content, titles and descriptions, URLs and internal links to send clear keyword signals to the search engine robots.

Step 7

We make things easy to understand by producing meaningful data with a narrative that helps us collectively make better decisions on the strategy moving forward. Your SEO strategy will be monitored to ensure you’re on the move.

Step 8
Conversion Rate Optimisation

Making the most of the traffic from your newly established rankings can give you 10x your previous results. We help you identify visitor pain points and tweak and test to maximise your visitor conversion rate.

Step 9
Link Building

Well-timed, keyword-friendly, relevant links can provide incredible SEO results. We can expand on your SEO to provide content marketing that naturally attracts backlinks to boost your online presence. We’ll either utilize creative content from quality writers or guide your team to do it to build up a white hat friendly link building strategy.

Website marketing Packages

Let’s move further

Single Page

Get your business online with a Single Page Website
AU$ 249
  • Website Design & Build
  • Single Page of Content
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • 1st Year of Fast UK Hosting
  • Custom Domain Name
  • 1 Custom Email Address
  • SSL Certificate
  • Spread the Cost


AU$ 599
  • Content Upload
  • Responsive Design
  • Design Customization
  • Premium WordPress Theme
  • SEO Friendly


AU$ 1099
  • Content Upload
  • Responsive Design
  • Design Customization
  • Premium WordPress Theme
  • SEO Friendly


Top questions frequently asked related by our customers

Here is a summary of digital marketing services offered by our web agency:

This is likely the most common question we receive.

Several agencies have chosen not to display their rates online and we respect their choice. For our part, transparency and fairness remains a core value at Digital Web Studios.

Our marketing services vary greatly based on individual requirements which affects the cost. We offer packages for small businesses that want custom plans or what we call hybrid services. We are aware of the realities of small and medium-sized businesses and it is for this reason that our packages will add value to your companies digital marketing presence online.  We will work with you to ensure you are satisfied with our pricing and services and open to negotiate.  Contact us to receive a customized quote based on your requirements today.

First of all, you should know that web marketing is a competitive sector, particularly with regards to the local business market. Your advertising campaigns should be done by a professional. It’s better to intelligently invest with proven strategies and experience then to run the risk of attempting to “wing it” on your own to later find a said campaign has not proven useful.

Traditional marketing can be expensive, and it can be difficult to calculate its real impact. For example, a billboard on the highway cannot establish the exact number of people who saw the advertisement. However, your online ads are measured by key performance indicators like CTR.

SEO (also called search engine optimization) is comprised of two main fields of focus. The first being on-page optimization (which takes into account everything that will be done on each page of a website to be optimized) and off-page optimization (which takes into account everything that will be done off of the website to influence a sites notoriety and influence. The goal of SEO is to help increase the visibility of a website in a search engine vis a vis a said set of keywords (or phrases) within a specific, pre-determined geographic area.

Many people mistakenly believe they can do SEO by themselves. Although completely possible, it is wise to be cautious when embarking on an SEO campaign on one’s own. The main reason for this is there is a significantly large time cost investment required to do all things properly that many people often underestimate.

Additionally, there is an abundance of dated information across the internet that if applied can negatively affect the desired outcome, essentially worsening a perfectly good starting point position of a site.
Many updates are made by search engines during the year. Like in any trade web marketing professionals have to stay abreast of any and all changes on an almost day by day basis.

Well executed, SEO techniques and strategies will provide added visibility for your website. Our team meets weekly to coordinate the efforts of our work in order to promote specifically targeted keywords for your business sector to help your site reach the top of Google, Bing, DuckDuckgo, etc.

As mentioned above, your website will contain pages that search engines and users deem relevant for their research. To do this, the content of existing pages should be reviewed and optimized. At the request of the client, we can also design new pages promoting new products or services.

A keyword research will guide our work towards its positioning success. Our copywriters will do everything in their power to offer original, without mistakes content (in English and French). We will finish our page optimization work by creating relevant inbound and outbound links to your website content.

To make your site more credible in the eyes of Google and internet users, the strategy of inbound and outbound links influences your positioning. This optimization technique will influence not only your “on-page SEO,” but also the “off-page SEO.” There are a ton of backlinks on the web, but their influence and authority aren’t equal.

The importance of being accompanied by this process will allow you to have quality links instead of what search engines consider as” toxic “links. However, our team believes in medium- and long-term investments. The results may change from one quarter to another. This is why we meet with our clients as needed to explain the results.

Several answers follow from this topical question. Nowadays, most employees have smartphones and can take pictures with them. Better still, millennials communicate and use social media like Facebook and Instagram every day. They are so skillful that it is easy to deduce they can do the task of publishing photos.

The work of a community manager is not limited to sharing photos. This one does research to be up to date on current trends in social media. It assesses the subscribers of your platforms for better understanding and adjusts its publications towards authentic content. It seeks to interact with them and thus create a climate of trust to improve your business image. Responding to dissatisfied customers is part of their daily task and it must act quickly to prevent things from getting worse.

It is difficult to determine a specific time for your website design. It is better to meet a specialist who will assess your needs and can then give you an estimate of time. In general, most of our customers opt for a standard formula that includes a home page, a service or product page, an about us page and a contact page.

For a small site of three pages where we take care of 90% of the content, it can take one week to build a unilingual site. However, it can take two months to design a bilingual (French-English) website with a lot of content customization.
For the optimization of your site web in search engines, we set ourselves a period of six months of evaluation based on keywords provided by the customer. In addition, the recognition of pages indexed by search engines can take one hour as several weeks!

Sometimes a customer is not satisfied with the performance of its current website. During a meeting, we will analyze the current performance data. You can also get a free audit online to assess the performance of your website.

Thereafter, we will communicate to the client, a list of recommendations for his website refurbish. A submission will be sent to him or her at the end of the process to go ahead with changes to their site. Once accepted, we can proceed to redesign work. You should know it is possible to do a quality work without necessarily erased work done beforehand. Adjustments can help correct the situation.